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Erin Lowry, '11, had her
first book, "BROKE MILLEN-
NIAL: Stop Scraping By and
Get Your Financial Life To-
gether," published on May 2
by TarcherPerigee, a Penguin
Random House imprint.
Packed with refreshingly simple advice and
hilarious true stories, "Broke Millennial" is the
essential roadmap every financially clueless
millennial needs to become a money master. Lowry has been
featured by CBS Sunday Morning, Fox & Friends, The Wall Street
Journal, USA Today, Cosmopolitan Magazine and Forbes.
Devin Murphy, '02, has a new WWII historical fiction/coming
of age novel being published by Harper Perennial in September.
"The Boat Runner" is a sweeping story of a wealthy Dutch family,
industrious owners of a light bulb factory in a small town, whose
world is upended over the course of four years
during the WWII Nazi occupation.
As the family struggles to stay whole, the
book follows the youngest son through the
forests of France, the stormy beaches of Eng-
land, and deep within the secret missions of the
German Navy, where his years assisting his sea-
voyager uncle come in handy, as he is con-
fronted with the moral dilemma that will
change his life forever.
In addition to his B.A. and M.A. from St.
Bonaventure, Murphy holds an M.F.A. from Colorado State Univer-
sity, a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and is an as-
sistant professor of creative writing at Bradley University. He has
worked various jobs in national parks around the country and once
had a three-year stint at sea that led him to over 50 countries on all
seven continents. His fiction has appeared in more than 60 literary
journals and anthologies, including The Missouri Review, Glimmer
Train, The Chicago Tribune, New Stories from the Midwest, and
Confrontation. He lives with his wife and children in Chicago.
Salvatore J. Pacella, M.D.,
'95, has co-authored a textbook
on cosmetic advances in the
surgical treatment of facial skin
cancer titled "Aesthetic Facial
Reconstruction After Mohs Sur-
gery." The book expands upon the most com-
mon method of treating skin cancer on the
face, known as Mohs Surgery.
"Being diagnosed with skin cancer can be a very traumatic ex-
perience for anyone," said Pacella. "In authoring this book, I
tried to put myself in the place of my patients. We of course
want to have the cancer removed, but how can we make the
final result look aesthetically perfect ... with barely perceptible
The book has more than 600 full-color photographs and three
hours of video illustrating the latest advances in plastic surgery for
facial skin cancer. In addition, Pacella created the hand drawings
for the final text illustrations. The book was featured in Los Ange-
les at The American Society of Plastic Surgeons' annual profes-
sional meeting and is available in hardcover on Amazon. More in-
formation can be found at
Pacella is the division head of plastic surgery at Scripps Health in
La Jolla, Calif. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Jennifer, and
two children. Since moving to Southern California in 2008, he has
taken up surfing as an avid enthusiast but doesn't ever forget to
apply sunscreen: "I love being out on the water, but I have to
practice what I preach!"Pacella graduated with honors in bio-
chemistry and dreamed of becoming a plastic surgeon.
Bob Kunzinger's new book, "Out of the Way: Walking with
Francis in Spain," is being released by Limited Edition Books of
This special edition -- 250 signed and numbered books -- is the
story of Kunzinger, '83, and his son on the 500-mile Camino de
Santiago 800 years after St. Francis of Assisi. This is Kunzinger's
second move into this realm of magical realism. His book
"Penance: Walking with the Infant" is still a popular book selling in
Prague and was praised by readers and critics alike. "Out of the
Way"is available at
Kunzinger is the author of seven volumes of essays, and his work
has appeared in many journals and magazines throughout the
world, including the Washington Post, the New York Times, World
War Two History and the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Those who attended St. Bonaventure from 1970-72 might recall
Brian Biggane, who was a sports writer for The Bona Venture
and served as sports editor two of the four semesters prior to his
graduation in June 1972.
Biggane followed that career path at five newspapers over the
next 43 years, the last 35 of which he spent at The Palm Beach
Post in West Palm Beach, Fla. Upon his retire-
ment in August 2015, he set about writing
the biography of golf legend Bob Toski, which
came to fruition in February with the publica-
tion of "The Elegant Mouse: The Bob Toski
Toski, who turned 90 in September 2015, is
best known as one of the pioneers of modern
golf instruction. Before that he briefly excelled
on the PGA Tour, becoming the leading
money-winner in 1954, when the last of his four victories, the
World Championship of Golf, brought him the previously unheard
of first prize of $50,000. Shortly afterward, when his wife, Lynn,
gave birth to three boys in quick succession, Toski left the tour and
became a teaching pro in Miami and the Florida Keys, where his
early protégés included Hall of Famer Judy Rankin, Jane Blalock
and Sally Little. He has continued teaching ever since, with his
Off the Shelf
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