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the service team leader, it was kind of fun telling
my dad what to do ­ but when he found out I
knew how to paint and clean up, that unfortu-
nately gave me more chores at home," Han-
nah said. "But he was able to see me in action
as a leader and I was excited to show him that
side of me."
Because last fall's hurricane had knocked out
many communication channels on the islands,
Hannah wasn't able to solidify many plans until
they arrived in the Bahamas.
"Enactus pushes you outside your comfort
zone and you have to adapt and pivot con-
stantly in order to be successful," Hannah said.
In addition to her planning work for the Ba-
hamas trip, she has been involved with a num-
ber of other Enactus programs, including the
Dream It Do It 500, Give Back Bash Weekend,
and the International Global Summit, which was
a week of leadership training for the seven
CASA members from the University of the Ba-
Seeing the Global Summit and Bahamian stu-
dents like Alicia Moss travel to the U.S. made
Palmer feel his teaching career has come full cir-
cle. St. Bonaventure's partnerships in the Ba-
hamas extended to the University of the
Bahamas in 2014 and resulted in nearly 30 of
their students working with Enactus in service,
consulting and seminars.
As a result, the UB students formed CASA, a student service or-
ganization that is integrated with SBU Enactus via social media.
CASA has hosted a seminar for high school students, professional
and entrepreneurial service activities, and is exploring how to con-
nect with college students in other countries. Spring 2018 will see
the second International Global Summit as UB has committed to
bringing 20 students to SBU.
C4 Consulting
SBU students typically provide business consulting work with
three to five companies during the annual Bahamas service trip.
This was the genesis of C4 Consulting, which is already building a
name for itself in the Olean area through its work with businesses
and non-profits and by partnering with development entities such
as the Olean Business Development Corp. and Southern Tier West.
Palmer's C4 co-adviser Mike Kasperski, an accounting lecturer
and internship coordinator in the School of Business, doesn't refer
to C4 as a club, but as a company.
"The students apply their major knowledge to actual work and
engagement," said Kasperski.
A lot of the clients are startups, new businesses that need assis-
tance with budget forecasting or marketing, but don't know
where to start. And that's where C4 comes in. The students man-
age the entire operation -- from making assignments and manag-
ing projects through completion to finding and cultivating
companies to work for.
Nicholas DiBenedetto, a junior management major from Stew-
artsville, N.J., joined C4 his freshman year.
"In addition to the experience of working alongside profession-
als in the area, I think the most valuable thing that C4 has to offer
is the opportunity to develop communication and teamwork skills.
Not only do you work alongside your peers, but you actively en-
gage with experienced professionals, such as pro-
fessors and local business owners," he said.
When he was interviewing for a summer intern-
ship, DiBenedetto could tell his confidence and
communications skills had grown in two years.
Josh Lewis, who earned his undergraduate de-
gree in accounting and MBA at Bona's, said C4
"offers students unique opportunities that are not
often presented in the classroom, where technical
knowledge is the focus. I believe C4 has been a
valuable supplement to my education."
As an engagement leader for one of the C4
clients, Lewis led a team of six consulting students
working with a new business startup. The team de-
signed menus, flyers and social media platforms to
aid marketing efforts along with financial analysis
and projections for the client.
"One of the most important skills that I devel-
oped through C4 was the ability to actively listen
when engaging clients. It is imperative to listen
first and truly understand the issues, desires and
needs of the client prior to giving your thoughts
and opinions. After meeting with the client,
teams go through the process of brainstorming
and proposing ideas and potential solutions to
problems -- including alternative options,
which allows for a different problem solving ap-
proach," Lewis said.
Natalie Costello, '17, was already a member
of Enactus and had consulted on Grand Ba-
hama Island when she was asked to be an engagement leader
for one of C4's first clients.
She managed a group of students who devised a marketing
plan for a new business -- soup to nuts -- from a logo and
business cards to a website and research plans for growth. As
president of C4 her senior year, Costello organized a Consult-
ing Day event in which alums came to campus to share advice
and industry tools in a panel discussion and small seminars.
"I will carry the skills that I acquired from C4 throughout the
rest of my professional career. C4 not only allowed me to obtain
a leadership role, but helped further my ability to communicate
and work well with others, think on my toes, apply what I
learned in the classroom to solve real-world problems, and learn
to establish relationships with not only clients, but the members
of C4," Costello said.
A strategic communications graduate from Corning, Costello
is a sales specialist at Watkins Glen International Speedway and
she hopes to continue a career in the sports industry.
Kasperski said C4 provides a perfect niche service to startups and
small businesses and engages students during the academic year
when it's often difficult to manage an internship and studies.
The student consultants work with clients on strategic plan-
ning, budget forecasts and marketing/communications.
"Most businesses in the world are small businesses, and the
students bring a lot of enthusiasm to an entrepreneur. They are
young and have a lot of ideas. It also gives the students a practi-
cal application of what they're doing in the School of Business,"
Kasperski said.
Science Education & Outreach
What do you get when you combine glue, Borax, water and
20 Girl Scouts? Twenty globs of slime and 20 giant smiles.
In order to understand
how professionals and
businesses operate, you
have to remove yourself
from your comfort zone and
put yourself out there. C4 is
the perfect opportunity for
students to do that while
also benefiting the local
community. There is no
greater feeling than
knowing you helped
someone get that much
closer to achieving their
~ Natalie Costello
Class of 2017