St. Bonaventure University

Minor in Arabic & Islamic Studies

An 18-credit minor in Arabic and Islamic studies is available for those students who wish to combine a study of the Arabic language with courses in Islamic religion and culture.

Why study Arabic? This PowerPoint presentation reveals the impact Arabic courses at SBU can have on you.

For more information, contact Fr. Michael Calabria, O.F.M., Ph.D., director of the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies: send an email.

Complement Your Major

Pursuing a minor in Arabic and Islamic Studies is a great way to add additional cultural, linguistic, and religious awareness to one’s major. Although students in any major will benefit from a minor in Arabic and Islamic Studies, the following degree programs at SBU may find it particularly useful:

Career Outlook

The minor in Arabic and Islamic Studies has many varied and exciting career paths available. Here are just a few fields and types of employers available with a minor in Arabic and Islamic Studies:

  • Government: Linguistics, Diplomacy, Civil Service, Foreign Service, Customs, Immigration/Naturalization, Intelligence
  • Arts, Media, Entertainment: Advertising, Journalism/Broadcasting, Publishing/Editing, Translation/Interpretation, Public Relations
  • Industry and Commerce: Banking/Finance, Sales, Customer Services, Manufacturing, Imports/Exports, Administrative Services
  • Travel and Tourism: Airline Services, Management, Translation/Interpretation, Booking and Reservations, Travel Services/Guidance
  • Interpretation/Translation: Escort/Guide, Judiciary, Translation, Literature, Localization, Medical
  • Service and Education: Teaching, Educational Administration, Civil Service, Social Work, Mission Work, Library Science, Health Services


To declare a minor, a special form must be filled out and filed with the Records Office by the end of the student's junior year. The appropriate form is available from the student's adviser or from the office of the registrar.

Requirements for a minor in Arabic & Islamic Studies