St. Bonaventure University

Faculty Emeriti

Professors from all schools in the university who have been bestowed the title of "emeritus" upon retirement from full-time teaching.

The title of professor emeritus is an honorary designation that may be awarded to recognize those who have retired with the earned rank of associate professor or professor after at least 10 years of full-time meritorious service to the university and their field of knowledge. While no longer full-time faculty members, some continue to teach on occasion as adjunct instructors.

Stanley, Christopher

Dr. Christopher Stanley

Theology and Franciscan Studies
School of Arts and Sciences

Professor Emeritus
  • Ph. D., Duke University, 1990
  • M. Chr. Studies, Regent College (Vancouver, Canada), 1983
  • B. S., University of Virginia, 1976


  • Paul and Asklepios: The Greco-Roman Quest for Healing and the Apostolic Mission. Library of New Testament Series 639. London: T & T Clark, 2022.
  • Paul and Scripture: Extending the Conversation (edited volume). SBLECL 9. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012.
  • The Colonized Apostle: Paul Through Postcolonial Eyes (edited volume). Paul in Critical Contexts Series. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011.
  • The Hebrew Bible: A Comparative Approach. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010.
  • As It Is Written: Studying Paul’s Use of Scripture (edited with Stanley E. Porter). SBLSymp 50. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008; Leiden: Brill, 2008.
  • Arguing With Scripture: The Rhetoric of Quotations in the Letters of Paul. New York: T. & T. Clark, 2004.
  • Paul and the Language of Scripture: Citation Technique in the Pauline Epistles and Contemporary Literature. SNTS Monograph Series 74. Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 1992 (paperback reprint, 2008).

Books — Fiction

  • A Rooster for Asklepios. Buffalo: NFB Publishing, 2020.
  • A Bull for Pluto. Buffalo: NFB Publishing, 2020. 


  • “Paul the Cosmopolitan?” New Testament Studies 66 (2020), 144-63.
  • “Scripture in 1 Corinthians: Assessing the Status Quaestionis.” In Scripture, Texts, and Tracings in 1 Corinthians, ed. Linda L. Belleville and B. J. Oropeza, 249-57.  Latham, Md.:  Lexington Books, 2019.
  • “Paul and Asklepios: The Greco-Roman Quest for Healing and the Mission of Paul.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 41 (2019), 279-309.
  • “Postcolonial Perspectives on Paul’s ‘Jew-Gentile Problem.’” In The Language and Literature of the New Testament:  Essays in Honour of Stanley E. Porter's 60th Birthday, ed. Lois K. Fuller Dow, Craig A. Evans, and Andrew W. Pitts, 644-59. Biblical Interpretation 150.  Leiden:  Brill, 2016.
  • “The Rhetoric of Quotations in the Letters of Paul.” In Exploring Intertextuality: Diverse Strategies for the New Testament Use of Texts, ed. B. J. Oropeza and Steve Moyise, 42-62. Eugene, Ore.: Cascade, 2016.
  • “Composite Citations in Antiquity: Retrospect and Prospect.” In Composite Citations in Antiquity, Vol. 1, Jewish, Graeco-Roman, and Early Christian Uses, ed. Sean Adams and Seth Ehorn, 203-9. Library of New Testament Studies 525. London and New York: T & T Clark, 2015.
  • “The Ethnic Context of Paul’s Letters.” In Christian Origins and Hellenistic Judaism: Social and Literary Contexts for the New Testament, ed. Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts, 177-201. Leiden: Brill, 2012.
  • “Introduction.” In Paul and Scripture: Extending the Conversation, ed. Christopher D. Stanley, 1-6.  SBLECL 9. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012.
  • “What We Learned—and What We Didn’t.” In Paul and Scripture: Extending the Conversation, ed. Christopher D. Stanley, 321-30.  SBLECL 9. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2012.
  • “Introduction.” In The Colonized Apostle: Paul Through Postcolonial Eyes, ed. Christopher D. Stanley. Paul in Critical Contexts Series. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011.
  • “Paul the Ethnic Hybrid? Postcolonial Perspectives on Paul’s Ethnic Categorizations.” In The Colonized Apostle: Paul Through Postcolonial Eyes, ed. Christopher D. Stanley. Paul in Critical Contexts Series. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2011.
  • “Words of Death: Scriptures and Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.” In Religion, Scripture, and Violence, ed. John T. Squires and William W. Emilsen, 17-37. Melbourne: Australian Theological Forum, 2008.
  • “Words of Life: Scriptures and Non-Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.” In Religion, Scripture, and Violence, ed. John T. Squires and William W. Emilsen, 39-56. Melbourne: Australian Theological Forum, 2008.
  • “Paul and Scripture: Charting the Course.” In As It Is Written: Studying Paul’s Use of Scripture, ed. Stanley E. Porter and Christopher D. Stanley, 3-12. SBLSymp 50. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008.
  • “Paul’s ‘Use’ of Scripture: Why the Audience Matters.” In As It Is Written: Studying Paul’s Use of Scripture, ed. Stanley E. Porter and Christopher D. Stanley, 125-55. SBLSymp 50. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008.
  • “A Decontextualized Paul? A Response to Francis Watson’s Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 28 (2006), 353-62.
  • “Who’s Afraid of a Thief in the Night?” New Testament Studies 48 (2002), 468-86.
  • “‘Pearls Before Swine’: Did Paul’s Audiences Understand His Biblical Quotations?” Novum Testamentum 41 (1999), 124-44.
  • “Biblical Quotations as Rhetorical Devices in Galatians and Romans.” In Society of Biblical Literature 1998 Seminar Papers, 700-30. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998.
  • “The Rhetoric of Quotations: An Essay on Method.” In Early Christian Interpretation of the Scriptures of Israel: Investigation and Proposals, ed. Craig A. Evans and James A. Sanders, 44-58. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.
  • “The Social Environment of ‘Free’ Biblical Quotations in The New Testament.” In Early Christian Interpretation of the Scriptures of Israel: Investigation and Proposals, ed. Craig A. Evans and James A. Sanders, 18-27. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997.
  • “‘Neither Jew nor Greek’: Ethnic Conflict in Graeco-Roman Society.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 64 (1996), 101-24.
  • “‘The Redeemer Will Come ἐκ Σιων’: Rom 11:26-27 Revisited,” in Paul and the Scriptures of Israel, ed. Craig A. Evans and James A. Sanders, 118-42.  Sheffield:  Sheffield Academic Press, 1993.
  • “The Significance of Rom 11:3-4 for the Text-History of the LXX Book of Kingdoms.” Journal of Biblical Literature 112 (1993), 43-54.
  • “The Importance of 4QTanhumim (4Q176).”  Revue de Qumran 60 (1992), 569-82.
  • “‘Under a Curse’: A Fresh Reading of Gal 3.10-14.” New Testament Studies 36 (1990), 481-511.
  • “Paul and Homer: Greco-Roman Citation Practice in the First Century CE.” Novum Testamentum 32 (1990), 48-78.


  • Review of Paul and Scripture: Studying the New Testament Use of the Old Testament, by Steve Moyise. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 74 (2012), 168-69.
  • Review of Filled With the Spirit, by John R. Levison. Biblical Theology Bulletin 41 (2011), 95-96.
  • Review of From Rebel to Rabbi: Reclaiming Jesus and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture, by Matthew Hoffman.  Cithara 49 (2010), 41-42.
  • Review of An Introduction to the Study of Paul, 2nd ed., by David G. Horrell. Review of Biblical Literature (, 6/30/2007.
  • Review of The Psalms and the New Testament, ed. Steve Moyise and Maarten J. J. Menken. Journal of Theological Studies 57 (2006), 193-96.
  • Review of Heralds of the Good News: Paul and Isaiah “In Concert” in the Letter to the Romans, by J. Ross Wagner. Journal of Biblical Literature 124 (2005), 778-82.
  • Review of Heralds of the Good News: Paul and Isaiah “In Concert” in the Letter to the Romans, by J. Ross Wagner. Theology Today 59 (2002), 521.
  • Review of “And Scripture Cannot Be Broken”: The Form and Function of the Early Christian Testimonia Collections, by Martin C. Albl. Journal of Theological Studies 52 (2001), 293-6.
  • Review of Holy Scripture in the Qumran Commentaries and Pauline Letters, by Timothy H. Lim. Journal of Theological Studies 49 (1998), 781-4.
  • Review of Romans 9-11: A Reader-Response Analysis, by John G. Lodge. Journal of Biblical Literature 117 (1998), 369-71.
  • Review of “Wie geschrieben steht”:  Studien zu einer besonderen Art frühchristlichen Schriftbezuges, by Reinhold Liebers. Journal of Biblical Literature 115 (1996), 349-51.
  • Review of Die Schrift als Zeuge des Evangeliums, by Dietrich-Alex Koch. Bulletin of the IOSCS 21 (1988), 3-9.

Professional Papers Presented—Annual Meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature 

  • “Paul and Asklepios: The Greco-Roman Quest for Healing and the Mission of Paul” (Healthcare and Disability in the Ancient World Section, 2019).
  • “Teaching the Corinthians How to Read: A Response to Florian Wilk” (Systematic Transformation and Interweaving of Scripture in 1 Corinthians Seminar, 2015).
  • “Paul and the Prophets: A Response to Erik Waaler’” (Systematic Transformation and Interweaving of Scripture in 1 Corinthians Seminar, 2014).
  • “Paul, Scripture, and Identity Formation: A Response to Guy Waters” (Systematic Transformation and Interweaving of Scripture in 1 Corinthians Seminar, 2013).
  • “Mapping the ‘Gentiles’: Deconstructing Paul’s Binary Ethnic Rhetoric” (Pauline Epistles Section, 2012).
  • “Foundational Religious Texts: Teaching Bible and Qur'an in a One-Semester Core Course” (Qur’an and Biblical Literature Section, 2011).
  • “Introduction to the New Section” (Postcolonial Studies and Biblical Studies Section, 2010)
  • “Paul the Gentile?” (Pauline Epistles Section, 2008).
  • “The Role of the Audience in the Interpretation of Paul’s References to the Jewish Scriptures” (Paul and Scripture Seminar, 2006).
  • “Paul and Scripture: Charting the Course” (Paul and Scripture Seminar, 2005).
  • “Moving Beyond the Rorschach Test: A Response to Francis Watson and Tom Wright” (Pauline Soteriology Group, 2004).
  • “Race, Ethnicity, and the Hebrew Bible” (Hebrew Bible and Cognate Literature Section, 2002).
  • “The Hebrew Bible and World Religions: Bridging the Divide” (Academic Teaching and Biblical Studies Section, 2001).
  • “Who’s Afraid of a Thief in the Night?” (Women in the Biblical World Section, 1999).
  • “Biblical Quotations as Rhetorical Devices in Galatians and Romans” (Rhetoric and the New Testament Section, 1998).
  • “Biblical Quotations in Romans: The Dangers of Mirror-Reading" (Pauline Epistles Section, 1997).
  • “The Rhetoric of Quotations: An Essay on Method” (Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity Section, 1996).
  • “Ethnic Conflict between ‘Jews’ and ‘Greeks’ in the Greco-Roman Era” (Hellenistic Judaism Section, 1995).
  • “Student Reactions to Feminist Perspectives: Teaching the ‘Women in the Biblical Tradition’ Course” (Academic Teaching of Biblical Studies Consultation, 1995).
  • “The Social Environment of ‘Free’ Biblical Quotations in the New Testament” (Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity Section, 1992).
  • “‘The Redeemer Will Come ἐκ Σιων’’: Rom 11:26-27 Revisited” (Scripture in Early Judaism and Christianity Section, 1991).
  • “The Importance of 4QTanhumim (4Q176)” (Qumran Section, 1990).
  • “The Significance of Rom 11:3-4 for the Text-History of LXX Reigns” (Septuagint and Cognate Studies Section, 1990).
  • “Biblical Citations in the Non-‘Pesher’ Materials from Qumran” (Qumran Section, 1989).

Professional Papers Presented—Other Venues 

  • “Paul and the Quest for Healing: A Model for Indian Christians?” (invited presentation at Kerala United Theological Seminary, Trivandrum, India, January 2020).
  • “Paul the Cosmopolitan?” (invited seminar paper for the Annual Meeting of the Societas Novi Testamenti Studiorum [SNTS], Athens, Greece, August 2018).
  • “Paul and Asklepios: The Quest for Healing and the Mission of Paul” (invited seminar paper for the Annual Meeting of the Societas Novi Testamenti Studiorum [SNTS], Pretoria, South Africa, August 2017).
  • “The Social World of Paul” (invited presentation at Colgate Rochester Crozier Divinity School, Rochester, NY, February 2012).
  • “Postcolonial Perspectives on Paul’s ‘Jew-Gentile Problem’” (Annual Meeting of the Societas Novi Testamenti Studiorum [SNTS], Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, August 2011).
  • “Ethnic Rhetoric in the Letters of Paul” (presented to faculty and graduate students at University of Wales, Lampeter, Wales, October 2007; University of Edinburgh, Scotland, December 2007; University of St. Andrews, Scotland, December 2007).
  • “Literacy and Illiteracy in Early Christianity” (presented to faculty and students at University of Wales, Lampeter, Wales, October 2007; Highland Theological College, Dingwall, Scotland, December 2007).
  • “Did Paul’s Audiences Understand His Biblical References?” (invited presentation to faculty and graduate students at Trinity Theological College, Bristol, England, October 2007).
  • “Ethnic Rhetoric in the Letters of Paul” (invited seminar paper for the Annual Meeting of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas [SNTS], July 31-August 4, 2007, Sibiu, Romania).
  • “Postcolonial Perspectives on Paul” (International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Vienna, Austria, July 2007).
  • “Biblical Quotations, Allusions, and Echoes: What Do They Tell Us About Ancient Literacy?” (7th International Biennial Conference on Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World, Auckland, NZ, July 2006).
  • “Literacy and Illiteracy in Early Christianity” (presented to faculty and graduate students at Macquarie University, Sydney Australia, May 2006; Adelaide College of Divinity, Adelaide, Australia, June 2006; Tyndale-Carey Graduate School, Auckland, NZ, June 2006).
  • “Christianity, Violence, and the Bible” (public presentation at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, May 2006).
  • “Ethnic Rhetoric in the Letters of Paul” (public presentation at Australian Lutheran College, May 2006; Tyndale-Carey Graduate School, June 2006).
  • “Words of Death: Scriptures and Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam” (keynote lecture at conference on religion and violence, United Theological College, Sydney, Australia, May 2006).
  • “Words of Life: Scriptures and Non-Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam” (keynote lecture at conference on religion and violence, United Theological College, Sydney, Australia, May 2006).
  • “The Rhetoric of Quotations in the Letters of Paul” (public presentation at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland, June 2004).
  • “Assessing the Level of Biblical Literacy in Paul’s Churches” (2000 World Congress on Religion, Capetown, South Africa, July 2000).
  • “‘Jew’ and ‘Greek’ in Sociological Perspective” (International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, Leuven, Belgium, July 1994).

External Grants/Awards Received 

  • Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion ($2,000 to support a faculty workshop on teaching introductory religion courses) (2008).
  • Council for the International Exchange of Scholars (18,500 euro Fulbright Fellowship to spend the fall semester of 2007 in Limerick, Ireland, teaching undergraduate and Ph.D. students and assisting with program development) (2007).
  • UK Fulbright Commission (700 euro to cover travel expenses for speaking trips to England, Wales, and Scotland while serving as a Fulbright Scholar in Limerick, Ireland) (2007).
  • Lilly Endowment (director of a committee that prepared a successful proposal for a five-year, $2,000,000 grant from Lilly’s “Theological Exploration of Vocation” program) (2002-3).
  • Lilly Endowment (author of a $50,000 planning grant to prepare proposal for a $2,000,000 grant under Lilly’s “Theological Exploration of Vocation” program) (2002).
  • Rhodes Consultation on the Future of the Church-Related College ($500 to fund a “Franciscan Heritage” workshop for hourly employees) (2003).
  • Rhodes Consultation on the Future of the Church-Related College ($5,000 to fund a series of “Franciscan Heritage Retreats” for faculty and staff) (2002).
  • Rhodes Consultation on the Future of the Church-Related College (approximately $12,000 to attend regional and national discussion sessions and promote discussions of church-relatedness at St. Bonaventure) (2000).
  • Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion ($17,000 for program to improve undergraduate teaching in the Department of Theology at St. Bonaventure) (2000-2001).
  • PCRS/Metanexus Local Societies Initiative ($15,000 to expand the activities of St. Bonaventure science and religion center) (2001).
  • American Scientific Affiliation (approximately $13,000 to fund a lecture series and a regional faculty workshop on science and religion) (1999, 2000, 2001).
  • John Templeton Foundation Science and Religion Course Program ($10,000 competitive award for designing and teaching a course in Science and Religion) (1998).
  • Midwest Faculty Seminar (approximately $3,000 in grants for short-term library research at the University of Chicago) (1994).

Internal Grants/Awards Received 

  • Summer Research Grant, St. Bonaventure University ($2,500) (2009) (research travel to Turkey and Greece for two book projects)
  • Journey Project Grant, St. Bonaventure University ($3,200) (2006) (student workshop).
  • Martine Grant, St. Bonaventure University ($2,530) (2005) (faculty training workshop).
  • Summer Research Grant, St. Bonaventure University ($2,500) (2000) (completing a book).
  • Martine Grant, St. Bonaventure University ($2,890) (2000) (faculty training workshop).
  • Keenan Grant, St. Bonaventure University ($3,200) (2000) (new faculty orientation retreat).

Other Professional Activities 

  • External reviewer of promotion application for Dr. Joshua Garroway, Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles, California (2019).
  • Adjunct faculty, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, teaching course on “Women and the Bible” (2016).
  • External reviewer for two book proposals for Bloomsbury Publishing (2015).
  • Invited cover endorsement for A. Andrew Das, The Grand Thematic Narratives of Galatians, forthcoming from Fortress Press (2015).
  • External reviewer for PhD dissertation of Hui-Chun Chen, Stellenbosch University, South Africa (2015).
  • External reviewer for PhD dissertation of A. K. Tan, University of Capetown, South Africa (2015 first reading, 2016 second reading).
  • External reviewer of an anonymous manuscript submission for Borderlands Press (2014).
  • External reviewer of tenure application for Dr. Joshua Garroway, Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles, California (2014).
  • Invited cover endorsement for the T&T Clark Handbook to Constructing Social Identity in the New Testament, edited by J. Brian Tucker and Coleman A. Baker (published in 2014).
  • Co-director (with a Roman archaeologist) of a tour of Italy, Greece, and Turkey focusing on “The Social World of Paul” (2012).
  • External reviewer for two book manuscripts for Palgrave Macmillan (2010, 2012) and one for Borderland Press (2014).
  • Organized a new section within the Society of Biblical Literature on “Postcolonial Studies and Biblical Studies” and elected co-chair of the section (2010).
  • Sessional Lecturer at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada, teaching graduate course on “The Social World of Paul” (June 30-July 11, 2008).
  • Visiting lecturer, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland, teaching undergraduate course on “The Theology of the First Testament” (Fall 2007).
  • Co-director of Ph.D. seminar at the Dominican Biblical Institute, Limerick, Ireland, on “The Use of Scripture in 1 Corinthians” (Fall 2007).
  • External reviewer for a proposal to establish a graduate program in theological studies at Houghton College, Houghton, NY (2007).
  • Consultant for the development of a graduate program in Biblical Studies and other programming for the Dominican Biblical Institute at the University of Limerick, Ireland (2006-7).
  • Visiting Professor, Tyndale-Carey Graduate School, Auckland, NZ, teaching graduate course on “Israel in the Time of Jesus” (June 19-30, 2006).
  • Recipient of the St. Bonaventure Faculty Award for Excellence in Research and Publishing (2005).
  • Elected to membership in Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS), global organization of New Testament scholars (2005).
  • Founding chair of a scholarly seminar on “Paul and Scripture” within the Society of Biblical Literature (2005-10).
  • Sessional Lecturer at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada, teaching graduate course on “Israel in the Time of Jesus” (June 27-July 8, 2005).
  • Participant in John Templeton Foundation workshops on Science and Religion (Chicago, 1997; Berkeley, 1998; Philadelphia, 2000).
  • Invited participant (one of 27 from 7 countries) at the International Colloquy on Isaiah 53 and Christian Origins, held at Baylor University (1996).