St. Bonaventure University

Inside Bona's Archives

Cellini invited to be a member of international research platform

Feb 24, 2023

Dr. Alva V. Cellini, professor of modern languages in the Department of World Languages and Cultural Studies, has been invited to be a member of the international research platform INDITEXT (Interpretación Dialógica del Texto). The INDITEXT team focuses on literary works and criticism using dialogical theory and its application in literature.

She joins this research team with authors and professors from international universities. Team members include: Dra. Paula Reyes Álvarez Bernárdez, principal investigator of INDITEXT, coordinator of the Critic-Edu Project, and a faculty member at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland; Dr. Carles Monereo Font, general coordinator of SINTE and a faculty member of Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain; and Dra. Yvonne Kaisinger, a faculty member at the University of Vienna, Austria.