St. Bonaventure University

Jandoli School Student Intern Evaluation Form

Dear Internship Supervisor:

Thank you for providing an internship for a student in the Jandoli School of Communication at St. Bonaventure.

To help the student and your organization benefit the most from the internship, please provide the student with:

  • Updates about how well he or she is meeting your expectations.
  • Suggestions for how to improve his or her value to your organization.
  • Opportunities for workplace assignments that the student can include in her or his portfolio.
  • Advice about professional behavior.

To help you (and us) evaluate the intern, we have created this electronic form for you to complete. Please make sure the completed form contains the number of hours the intern works. The evaluation form will become part of the student’s permanent record in the Jandoli School of Communication.

Again, thank you for giving a valuable opportunity to a St. Bonaventure University student.


Tara Walker
Assistant Professor

Phone or E-Mail Address

Please answer these questions about the performance of the student during this internship. If you have any questions, please contact

Tara Walker
Jandoli School of Communication
St. Bonaventure University
St. Bonaventure, NY 14778
 (716) 375-2076

1. Student's writing skills met expectations.

2. Student’s technology skills met expectations.

3. Student’s social media skills met expectations.

4. Student showed effective research skills.

5. Student used the Web effectively.

6. Student responded professionally to criticism.

7. Student understood how communicators respond to different audiences and purposes.

8. Student’s college studies have prepared her or him for the workplace.

9. Student met expectations for punctuality, reliability, professional behavior and attire.

10. Student’s oral communication skills met expectations.

Please respond briefly but specifically to these questions.