St. Bonaventure University

News, Publications & Research

DeSimone and Harris win Best Paper award at conference

Apr 21, 2023

Dr. Kimberly DeSimone, professor of leadership, and Heather Harris, assistant professor and director of the master's in communication program, presented their research paper titled "Move Over Scholar-Practitioners; Make Way for the Scholar-Creator" on March 24 at the 2023 Academy of Business Research Conference in New Orleans.

The conference drew more than 200 presenters from more than 100 universities.

Best paper awards were given in seven business disciplines. DeSimone & Harris won Best Paper in the Marketing/Management Track, sponsored by the Journal of Marketing Perspectives.

Also at the conference, Harris presented her original research looking at the “Influence of Disney Media’s Use of Visuals & Shape Language on Young Audiences."

Harris' research found messages of power, attitude, and defiance emerged through body language, shape and scale of objects/characters, as well as new attitudes of selfishness, anger, smugness, and defiance were exhibited through facial expressions.