St. Bonaventure University

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DeSimone gives keynote at RISE summit; addresses conference

Nov 03, 2022

Dr. Kimberly DeSimone, professor of leadership, was an invited keynote speaker at the October 2022 RISE Women’s Leadership Global Summit on Women in Health & Tech, held in Paris, France.

DeSimone’s presentation focused on how social media platforms are creating a community of women supporting women. The talk was titled "Queen Bee versus Persisterhood. A Global Community of Women Supporting Women."

DeSimone was also an invited keynote speaker at the 2022 International Conference on Women (virtual), held in August. The conference theme was "Achieving a Secured Position for Women."

DeSimone’s presentation, titled "A Seat at the Table is not a Voice at the Table," focused on tackling tokenism and fostering inclusion in top leadership roles.