News Releases

St. Bonaventure University

Bonnies4Bonnies student-alumni networking event to be held Feb. 17 at Francis Hall

Feb 10, 2023

Students should register on Handshake by Thursday
Students of all class years and majors can learn about the powerful SBU alumni connection firsthand at this year’s Bonnies4Bonnies networking event Friday, Feb. 17.

Bonnies4Bonnies Graphic There’s a special bond among St. Bonaventure alumni, a loyalty to the institution and its graduates that only grows stronger through time. What better venue is there, then, for career-minded SBU students than a room full of devoted alumni who have achieved professional success and want to help other Bonnies get there.

Bonnies4Bonnies will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Feb. 17 in the San Damiano Room of Francis Hall. Students are asked to register with the Career and Professional Readiness Center by Thursday, Feb. 16,  on Handshake via this link:

“Bonnies4Bonnies is the perfect way for students to build their professional network,” said Ashley Scholla, student employment & recruiting coordinator at the university’s Career and Professional Readiness Center. “Our supportive alumni are always excited to come to campus to meet and network with our amazing students. We hope that students will take full advantage of this unique opportunity.  You never know, someone you meet at Bonnies4Bonnies could lend you a helping hand in the future.”

Giving the keynote address at the event will be Emily Ciraolo, ’08, ’09, who will share her thoughts on the importance of networking. Ciraolo, who holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communications and a master’s in integrated marketing communications from SBU, is a customer experience communications manager at Cisco. Active in the university’s Buffalo alumni chapter, Ciraolo holds the position of alumni chapter representative on St. Bonaventure’s Alumni Council.

Following the keynote, students will have the opportunity to mingle and meet alumni representing a broad spectrum of professional roles such as accounting, insurance, higher education, media and health care organizations.  

For students who are undecided about their career path, CPRC staff say Bonnies4Bonnies is an opportunity to find out more about a particular profession from someone in the field who is willing to speak candidly about its pros and cons.

Alumni can register for Bonnies4Bonnies here: