News Releases

St. Bonaventure University

Stanley and Foerst to present at conference in India

Sep 10, 2019 Dr. Chris Stanley, professor of theology, and Dr. Anne Foerst, professor of computer science, have been invited to present featured papers at a daylong conference for Christian seminary students, pastors, and laypeople at Kerala Theological Seminary in Thiruvananthapuram, India.

The conference, which will focus on sickness and healing in the Christian tradition, will take place on Saturday, Jan. 11, 2020.

Dr. Stanley will offer two papers on sickness and healing in the Greco-Roman world and early Christianity, while Dr. Foerst will present new research challenging the mind-body dualism prevailing in Western medicine.

The conference will conclude with a paper from an Indian theologian who will examine the topic through an Indian cultural and theological lens. The organizer anticipates 200-300 people will attend the conference.