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Publications: Book and Chapters
- Minteh, B., Borgeson, K., Valeri, R.M. & Bacigalupo, J. (Eds.). (Forthcoming). The New Phase of Global Terrorism. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Borgeson, K., Vogel, S., & Valeri, R.M. (2024). Serial Crime: A Criminological and Psychological Perspective (2nd ed.). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M. & Borgeson, K. (Eds.). (2023). Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies (2nd ed.). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M. (2023). Why we hate. In R. M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies (2nd ed.). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M. (2023). Hate incidents and hate crimes at schools and universities. In R. M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies (2nd ed.). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M., & Kellogg, B. (2023). Crossing the divide: From virtual hate to actual harm. In R. M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies (2nd ed.). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R.M. (2023). Turning the time of hate. In R. M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies (2nd ed.). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M. & Minteh, B. (2023). Cybercrime, Cyberterrorism and Information Warfare: Threats to Democracy, Governance and National Security. In Y.R. Kamalipour & J. Pavlik (Eds.), Communicating Global Crisis: Media, War, Climate, and Politics.
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Bacigalupo, J, Borgeson, K., & Valeri, R. M. (Eds.). (2022). Cyberhate: The Far Right in the Digital Age. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- Valeri, R. M. (2022). Looks can be deceiving: The challenges of recognizing hate in cyberspace. In J. Bacigalupo, K. Borgeson, & R. M. Valeri (Eds.), Cyberhate: The Far Right in the Digital Age, (pp. 17-42). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- Valeri, R. M. & Borgeson (Eds.) (2018). Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M. (2018). Why do we hate? In R. M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies, (pp. 3-32). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M. (2018). Crossing the divide: From virtual hate to actual harm. In R. M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies (pp.261-284). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M. & Brown, A. (2018). From bullying to brutality: Hate incidents and hate crimes at schools and universities. In R. M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies (pp.215-260). Durham, NC:
Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M. (2018). Turning the tide of hate. In R. M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Hate Crimes: Victims, Motivations and Typologies, (pp. 311-324). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
- Valeri, R. M. & Borgeson (Eds.) (2018). Terrorism in America. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Monahan, T. & Valeri, R. M. (2018). Terrorism and Fear: “Terrorists Want a Lot of People Afraid – Not a Lot of People Dead”. In R.M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Terrorism in America (pp. 213-230). New York,
NY: Routledge.
- Valeri, R. M. (2018). The sovereign citizens Movement. In R.M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Terrorism in America (pp. 118-144). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Valeri, R. M. (2018). From Declarations to Deeds: Cyberspace and the Spread of Hate and Terrorism. In R.M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Terrorism in America, (pp.147-174). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Valeri, R. M. (2018). An end to terrorism. In R.M. Valeri & K. Borgeson (Eds.), Terrorism in America (pp. 231-236). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. (2017). Skinhead history, identity, and culture. New York, NY: Routledge.
- Valeri, R. & Borgeson, K. (2016). Masculine identities within the skinhead movement: how straight men, gay men, and women embody and perform masculinity in a culture of traditional masculinity. In J. Jaworski (Ed), Advances in Sociology Research:
Vol. 19,(pp. 39-58). Nova Science Publishers.
- Valeri, R. & Borgeson, K. (2016). Sticks and stones: When the words of hatred become weapons, A social psychological perspective, In S. Harding & M. Palasinski (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Youth Gang Behavior, Violence, and Weapons.
(pp. 101-132). IGI Global 101-132.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. (2014). Skinheads, In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. Chicester, England: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. (2009). The enemy of my enemy is my friend, In D. Canter (Ed.), Faces of Terrorism. London: John Wiley & Sons.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. (Eds.) (2009). Terrorism in America. Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. (2009). Domestic terrorism, In K. Borgeson & R. Valeri (Eds.), Terrorism in America, (pp. 1-16). Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. (2009). Christian Identity, In K. Borgeson & R. Valeri (Eds.), Terrorism in America, (pp. 47-72). Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. (2009). The enemy of my enemy, In K. Borgeson & R. Valeri (Eds.), Terrorism in America, (pp. 73-90). Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
- Valeri, R. & Borgeson, K. (2009). Conclusion, In K. Borgeson & R. Valeri (Eds.), Terrorism in America, (pp. 145-156). Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett
Publications: Journal Articles
- Valeri, R. M. & Borgeson (January 2018). Understanding the complexity of gay skinhead identity through case studies. Sage Research Methods Cases. DOI:
- Valeri, R. M. Sweazy, & Borgeson (January 2018). Exploring skinhead identity and culture through a content analysis of skinhead webpages and social network pages. Sage Research Methods Cases. DOI:
- Valeri, R. M., Sweazy, N., & Borgeson, K. (2017). An analysis of skinhead websites and social networks, A decade later. Michigan Sociological Review, 31, 77-106.
- Russo, C. & Valeri, R. (2015). Can closeness established experimentally impact friendship development and homesickness? Psychology Research, 5, 347-354.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. (March, 2015). Gay skinheads: Negotiating a gay identity in a culture of traditional masculinity. Journal of Men’s Studies, 23, 44-62. DOI: 10.1177/1060826514561975
- Valeri, R. & Borgeson, K. (2007). Reframing affirmative action: Examining the impact on white Americans. Michigan Sociological Review, 21, 193-209.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. M. (2007). The enemy of my enemy is my friend. American Behavioral Scientist, 51, 182-195.
- Valeri, R. M. (2006). Tails of laughter: A pilot study examining the relationship between companion animal guardianship and laughter. Society & Animals, 14, 275-293.
- Borgeson, K., & Valeri, R. M. (2005). Examining Differences in Skinhead Ideology and Culture through an Analysis of Skinhead Websites, Michigan Sociological Review, 19, 45-62.
- Valeri, R. M. & Borgeson, K. (2005). Identifying the face of hate. Journal of Applied Sociology, 22(1), 91-104.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. M. (2004). Faces of hate. Journal of Applied Sociology, 21(2), 99-111.
- Wiseman, C. V., Turco, R. M., Sunday, S. R., & Halmi, K. A. (1998) Smoking and body image concerns in adolescent girls. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 24, 429-433.
- Turco, R. M. (1997). The effects of exposure to cigarette advertisements on adolescent’s attitudes toward smoking. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27, 1115-1130.
- Turco, R. M. (1996). Self-referencing, quality of argument, and persuasion. Current Psychology, 15, 258-276.
- Johnson, B. T. & Turco, R. M. (1992). The value of goodness of fit indices in meta-analysis: A comment on Hall and Rosenthal. Communication Monographs, 59, 388-396.
- Valeri, R. M. (March 12, 2019). Anti-hate symposium held in Latrobe. Pittsburgh Action News 4.
- Valeri, R. M. (March 10, 2019). Experts to gather at St. Vincent College to explore hate crimes.
Trib Live (Local)
- Valeri, R. M. (February 24, 2019). Smollett reactions epitomize polarized state of US politics. Herald-WHIG (Entertainment).
- Valeri, R. M. & Borgeson, K. (November 5, 2018). Toxic Emotional Climate Leads to Hate Crimes. Buffalo
News (Opinion: Everybody’s Column).
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. M. (September 2017). Skinheads: Variations within the subculture.
Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
- Valeri, R., & Borgeson, K. (Tuesday, December 22, 2015). Social media should be used to promote freedom.
Buffalo News (Opinion: Another Voice).
- Valeri, R. (Tuesday, December 15, 2015). Concern First Responders Are Targets Is Changing Emergency Response.
- Borgeson, K. & Valeri, R. (Tuesday, Dec 8, 2015). The new face of terrorism in America.
Salem News (Opinion). Retrieved Dec 9, 2015 from
- Valeri, R. (Tuesday, Dec 8, 2015) Increased destruction and reach of terrorism changes approach in the class room. TWC News Buffalo. Retrieved Dec 9 2015.
I am proud to be a volunteer firefighter and a nationally certified fire investigator. I am a three-time Ironman Triathlon finisher and successfully completed the challenging 100-mile cross country Canadian Ski Marathon. Currently, I enjoy rowing,
canoeing, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, hiking, baking, cooking, gardening, and reading.