St. Bonaventure University

News, Publications & Research

Perkins published in nursing journal; new program approved

Jan 31, 2022

An article by Connie Perkins, Ph.D., RN, CNE, founding director of nursing, has been published in American Nurse Journal.

The article, "Documenting dilemmas via email," outlines a procedure for emailing work-related dilemmas to stakeholders using the acronym DOC (details of the dilemma, opportunities to resolve the dilemma, and consequences of not resolving the dilemma). 
This was influenced by emotional intelligence and an original creation. Here is the link to the article:

In addition, Perkins notes that the new Master's Entry to Practice nursing program has been approved by the state and is enrolling graduate students. It is one of only two such programs in New York state, the other an offering of Columbia University. Learn more at