Only about 3 percent of teachers na- tionwide hold this certification. The process is rigorous and performance- based, Steger says. It is voluntary and based on National Teaching Standards, which outline what accomplished teachers should know and do to ad- vance student learning. Achieving Na- tional Board Certification is seen as the "gold standard for accomplished teach- ing." entire Midwest from the John Morrell Food Group. Post is in charge of driving sales for the Eckrich and Armour prod- uct lines and supporting the Direct Store Delivery Team. & McCormick, LLP's auditing and ac- counting department. Torella primarily works with exempt organizations, specifically nonprofit organizations and ed- ucational institutions, as well as employee benefit plans, auto dealerships and other commercial entities. Torella joined Lumsden McCormick in July 2010 as a staff accountant after com- pleting a summer internship with the firm in 2009. first place in the Depth Reporting cate- gory in the New York State Associated Press Association's 2014 contest. sworn in as an attorney at the Appel- late Division, Fourth Department's bar admission ceremony held in Rochester. After joining the New York State Bar, Sonner is now an associate at Damon Morey, LLP. Sonner practices in the firm's commercial and general litigation departments focusing on general negli- gence and casualty as well as construc- tion litigation. in May 16 and began his residency at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center in July. a staff accountant in the Olean office. As a staff accountant, Croker is involved in preparing financial statements related views and audits. In addition, she is re- sponsible for prepar- ing tax returns for a variety of individual and business clients. Buffalo suburb Orchard Park. its Jamestown office location as a staff accountant. Shevlin has also earned the designation of certified public accountant in the state of New York. Shevlin is involved in preparing financial statements related to compilations, reviews and audits, in addition to preparing tax returns for individual and business clients. he accepted a position in the Office of Cam- pus Life and Leader- ship at Le Moyne College. As an area di- rector he coordinates student leadership de- velopment and other campus programming. Michigan Department of Anesthesiol- ogy. Public Media, a member-supported af- filiate of the Public Broadcasting Service. Whipple Buttafaro as a staff accountant. assistant position with the Pottstown (Pa.) Area Health & Well- ness Foundation upon graduating from SBU's Integrated Marketing Communi- cations 4+1 graduate program in May. for fall 2015. to Charlotte, N.C., and met with several alumni on April 17. Pictured from left are BIS Club adviser Dr. Carl Case, '80, 82; Gina Synder, '15; James Srutowksi, '15; Mark Evers, '01, '06, Capital Markets Director at Wells Fargo Securities; David Culligan, '15; Adam Ditcher, '17; and Andrew Culligan, '15. Masters Swimming Championships '68, and former captain Nate Destree, '13, met at the 2015 Colonies (Maine to Virginia) Masters Short Course Yards Swim Championships. The champi- onships were held at George Mason University from April 10-12 with more than 580 swimmers of all ages competing. Both former Bona swimmers had great days in the pool with Culhane competing in the 65- 69 age group and Destree in the 18-24 age group. Culhane swam four events and finished with a first, two seconds and a third in the 50-yard events of each stroke. Destree was a star with five first-place finishes including three short-course records and two meet records, highlighted by a smoking 49.92 in the 100-yard fly. Culhane and Destree shared many tales of Bona swimming both present and past: Cul- hane was the first swimmer in the then-brand new Reilly Center pool (1967) and Destree led the Bon- nies to an Atlantic 10 Championship in 2013. De- stree is a graduate assistant coach at West Virginia University and Culhane is retired and living in North- ern Virginia. |