Dr. Pauline J. Albert Ms. Patricia J. Anderson '77 Mrs. Mary Dompkowski Archer '89 Mr. Daniel F. Barry '80 and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Brett '68 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Brown '65 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Cadigan '73 Mrs. Deborah E. Clark '73 and Community Foundation of Warren Lt. Col. (Ret.) Anthony B. Cresci '58 '58 Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Crowley '71 Cutco Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John L. D'Angelo '84 Mr. Robert J. Daugherty '77 and Ms. Maureen Dell '69 Joseph A. DeMaria, Esq. '79 and Dresser-Rand Company Mr. Frank E. Dulak '09 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Ford '62 General Electric Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Gilroy '53 Mr. Thomas M. Glavin '82 and Ms. Danielle Grobmyer '06 Mr. Michael J. Hagen '73 and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer C. Henretta '59 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hillins '65 Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hulihan '65 IBM Corporation Mr. J. Ward Kearney '69 and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kelley '55 Kiplinger Foundation Mrs. Ann E. Koelling '68 and Mr. John J. Linnehan '71 and Mr. Brendan M. McCann '57 Ms. Jill M. McInroy-Ballard '93 Ms. Kristan K. McMahon '97 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Meisch '58 Mr. Harry G. Meyer, Esq. Mr. James E. Meyer '76 and Mrs. Patricia G. Nannen '82 and Mrs. Rita Fahey O'Sullivan '67 and The Pfizer Foundation Drs. James ('65) and Jeannette Post Mrs. H. Scotti Powers '82 and Smith '82 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Stocker '65 Ms. Ann M. Tenglund '82 Mrs. Beth E. Thompson '82 and Mrs. Anne M. Hirst-Wilson '75 and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yehl '83 Ms. Theresa A. Yehle Mr. James J. Zaniello '90 2 his mother and St. Bonaven- ture community members. some of the financial burden and worry of paying for school away and allow re- cipients to get the most out of their college experience," Fossaceca said. "I hope they will not only get a great ed- ucation and make great friends but truly learn from the Franciscans and take those lessons into their fu- ture careers." vide the basis for future graduates to continue to help others. help them advance all as- pects of their lives to the point where they can share their success in terms of their time, talent and finan- cial means with others in their communities." friends. Both men are mar- ried and have children. Not surprisingly, their children are also friends. states and lead busy lives, they try to gather at least once a year to spend time together in New Jersey, Washington, D.C., or places such as Hershey Park. corner of the earth, the Bona spirit remains within both -- and with the aid of their scholarships will en- dure through future Bon- nies. tion major from Harrison Valley, Pa. of service with a gift to the Mille Grazie Scholarship. Established last fall, the Mille Grazie Scholarship will help new students commit to St. Bonaventure and will aid in retaining current stu- dents facing otherwise insurmountable financial difficulty. As of May 31, more than $225,000 has been raised toward the $500,000 goal thanks to the following: combined St. Bonaventure's annual Barbara Carr McKee Scholarship Luncheon with the Keenan-Martine Endowment celebration. Speakers included (from left) Leslie C. Quick III, '75; Alexander J. Noguerola, '15, president of the Student Govern- ment Association; University Presi- dent Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F.; and Kuppuswamy Arumugam, Ph.D., assistant professor of chem- istry at St. Bonaventure. visit www.sbu.edu/millegrazie. |