his unit, the 11th Armored Division, as the soldiers liberated concentration camps in Mauthausen and Gusen, Austria. ing burial services for nearly 3,000 inmates of the notorious Nazi camps. Six months later, the chaplain had a new assignment as the Catholic chaplain for the Nazi war criminals awaiting trial at Nuremberg. the Order of Friars Minor. (He completed his studies at Butler, N.J., receiving his B.A. from St. Bonaventure in 1932.) Fr. Sixtus was ordained in 1934 and went on to study extensively in Germany, returning to the U.S. in 1939 to take a teaching assign- ment at Siena College as World War II began. providing religious support to their coun- try's enemies. Despite the horrific crimes leveled against these men, the Al- lies had decided they deserved spir- itual support. men facing trial; a Lutheran chap- lain, Henry Gerecke, was assigned to the others. Both clergymen spoke German well. Fr. Sixtus' mother spoke German when he was growing up and he'd studied adults in a college setting, and not even have to go to class," she said. Bonaventure in 2008, and she hopes that she can instill in her stu- dents some of the Franciscan val- ues that she cherishes. many stories about St. Francis; this makes it easy to use him as an ex- ample for how we should live," she explained. "I hope that the Franciscan spirit helps students to see that living according to the Gospel isn't easy, but it is possi- ble." pressed, or they are not sure where they're going in life -- and that leads some of them to isolate themselves, to feel alone, and to feel unloved. I try to let them know that God loves them, that I love them, and that others love them, especially when they don't feel that they are lovable," she said. from SBU in May.) 2 O'Connor, the son of a schoolteacher and construction worker who'd come to up- state New York from Ireland. After enter- ing the novitiate, he received the name Sixtus after Pope Sixtus IV. May, SBU alumni and friends had the rare opportunity to meet one of the priest's contemporaries, Fr. Moritz Fuchs. Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson and had met Fr. Sixtus during the tribunals. In May, the Alumni Office hosted a gathering at the Robert H. Jackson Center in Jamestown, N.Y., (Jackson's hometown) in conjunc- tion with a visit to the center by Fr. Moritz and the premiere of a docu- mentary about Jackson. fluenced by Fr. Sixtus and other clergy he met in the service to enter the priesthood when he re- turned home following the trials. U.S. involvement in the war by re- questing an Army chaplaincy. He joined the 11th Armored Division's Combat Command "B" stateside in July 1943. His duties involved saying Mass, hearing confessions and presiding at weddings, bap- tisms and funerals. By September 1944, as the war began turning for the Allies, the division was ordered to Europe. mater to teach and then to Siena College, where he chaired the phi- losophy department and served as vice president from 1956 until 1964. He died in 1983 at the age of 74. Fr. Moritz and the book "Mission at Nuremberg" by Tim Townsend.) View the video at |