Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., told Br. Ed Coughlin, O.F.M., then-vice presi- utive director of University Ministries, that the rebuilding of the Lord's "house" on our cam- pus was about to take a giant leap forward. and the Rita M. McGinley Foundation, the 157-year history of Franciscan presence in the Southern Tier will be moving into a new home. Several trustees are joining Jack McGinley in support of the project. something special about St. Bonaventure." Parents of prospective students have said it. Students who are fully ensconced in their aca- demic careers have said it, and certainly many, many alumni have shared the same sentiment. But what is it? What is it that makes our uni- versity so special? special is that intuitive Franciscan sense that everyone is welcome. Everyone is a part of the family. bricks, the miles of sidewalks, and certainly the people who love to call this place "home." Once a Bonnie, Always a Bonnie. by an experience you had that enlivened your soul. Perhaps it is the memory of a friar help- ing you through your freshman year when you didn't quite fit in yet. Or maybe it was a dinner and reflection at Mt. Irenaeus, or per- haps, more recently, joining in the "Blessing of the Brains" on Reading Day to help calm your panic the day before finals start. of welcome, acceptance and respect that is embodied in the university's values of Discov- ery, Community and Individual Worth. experiences and spiritual formation. Pictured is Julianne Wallace, associate director of Faith For- mation, Worship and Ministry. Plassmann Hall before the center's conversion from a garage building, was taken in the 1950s. |