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more recent success stories including 2007 U.S. Women's Open
champion Birdie Kim and current PGA Tour winner Ken Duke.
For more details on "The Elegant Mouse," visit www.bobtoski- or
After a successful career as an internationally published romance
writer, Rosemary Proe Aubert, '68, turned to the world of
crime, graduating with a certificate of criminology from the Uni-
versity of Toronto and publishing the six-volume award-winning
Ellis Portal mystery series.
Aubert also worked in the real world of crime.
She was a security officer at the United States
Consulate, ran the office of a halfway house for
men coming out of the federal prison system,
and served as a community relations director
assisting women coming out of the prison sys-
tem. And, for 10 years, she was a bailiff in the
criminal courts.
These experiences introduced Aubert to a
wide variety of people -- innocent and guilty,
dangerous and safe. These denizens of the real world of crime in-
spired the characters that inhabit her new book, "The Midnight
Boat to Palermo and Other Stories."
Born in Niagara Falls, Aubert has long made her home in
Toronto, where she has worked as a university instructor, an editor,
a bookstore clerk and, of course, a writer.
Working as a stagehand at NBC for 30 years gave author John
Harty Jr., '69, an inside look into the world of television and film
and eventually inspired his creation of "The Cinematic Challenge,
Filming Colonial America," a nonfiction, survey history of the mak-
ing of motion pictures about colonial America.
These colonial films were important as expres-
sions of the filmmakers' interpretation of the
historical facts and as signposts of the social-
political environment within the United States.
Volume 1 contains in-depth case studies of
four films from the 1930s and 1940s: "The Last
of the Mohicans," "Drums Along the Mo-
hawk," "Northwest Passage" and "Uncon-
quered." Relating the colonial films to the
broader historical and cultural context within
which they were made will help the reader understand why so
few colonial films have been made and how difficult the road was
to critical and financial success.
"The Cinematic Challenge" was released by Langdon Press in
September and is available at, and
John O. Grippo, DDS, '49, has co-authored
a textbook titled "Noncarious Cervical Lesions
and Cervical Dentin Hypersensitivity: Etiology,
Diagnosis and Treatment."
(Noncarious cervical lesions are notches at the
gum line of teeth and cervical dentin hypersen-
sitivity is sensitivity to air and cold at the gum
The book was co-authored with Professor Paulo V. Soares from
the University of Uberlandia in Uberlandia, Brazil, and released on
March 19, a day after Grippo's 89th birthday.
"For the first time, in this textbook we discuss the new mecha-
nism biocorrosion (degradation of living material), which replaces
the term erosion (degradation of nonliving material caused by
movement or flow)," said Grippo. "Erosion has been erro-
neously misused since the time of Pierre Fauchard," the father of
modern dentistry, who lived from 1678 to 1761.
Dr. Robert P. Amico, professor of philosophy at St. Bonaven-
ture, has written a new book addressing the issue of white privi-
lege. "Exploring White Privilege," available from Routledge Press,
addresses the topic of white privilege and the roles that make it
difficult for many Americans to understand it. It
is the second of two books. The first, "An-
tiracist Teaching," was published in 2015 and
explores the difficulties of teaching students
about antiracism.
When the publisher received the first book,
Amico was asked to write a similar one from a
learner's perspective. Amico felt he had some-
thing to say that would help educators ap-
proach the topics of race and privilege.
"`Exploring White Privilege' gives people the
opportunity to learn more about themselves and how they are sit-
uated in American culture," said Amico. "Beginning to under-
stand privilege can help one to navigate through that system
differently." Though this book is a personal exploration of Amico's
white privilege and how he fought to transcend it, it is couched in
a sociological analysis of oppression and privilege that will be use-
ful to anyone embarking on a similar journey.
Amico served as chair of St. Bonaventure's Council on Discrimi-
nation and Harassment for 20 years and continues to chair the
university's Diversity Action Committee. He earned his B.A. from
the University of Massachusetts before earning his M.A. and
Ph.D. from the University of Rochester.
Dr. Kimberly Young, director of the Masters in Strategic
Leadership program in the Jandoli School of Communication,
had the book "Internet Addiction in Children and Adoles-
cents: Risk Factors, Assessment, and Treat-
ment" published by Springer Academic
Press. Young co-edited the book with Dr.
Cristiano Nabuco de Abreu, director of the
Impulse Disorders Outpatient Unit at the
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The textbook contains 15 chapters from
experts on strategies for evaluation and
treatment of internet addiction among chil-
dren and teenagers. It examines early warn-
ing signs or risky behaviors among young children that could
lead to the development of internet addiction. It also exam-
ines the cognitive, developmental and social impact of inter-
net addiction among young children. It provides several
assessment tools and treatment protocols for therapists treat-
ing this population and strategies for school systems to inte-
grate screen smart strategies related to technology use in the

Off the Shelf